Monday, September 15, 2014

Spaghetti squash 'pizza' -lo carb

Here is my cooked spaghetti squash. How do you cook it? Check here...there are many ways 

 Add some butter to your skillet and let it melt.

 Add the amount of squash you want and let it sizzle in the butter!

 Chop up whatever veggies you normally like on a pizza!
For me...mushrooms, onions and tomatoes!!

 Basically you are warming up the cooked squash.
Pat it all together for a 'crust'

 Add some mozzarella on top to hold it all together.
So, we are kind of making the pizza backwards...cheese first :)

 Put a lid over it so the cheese gets nice and gooey!

 Add some sauce. Store bought sauce can be HIGH in sugar so don't use much!

 Add all those yummy veggies and a bit more cheese.
Warm until melted.

 Getting it to the plate was easier than I thought. Just use two spatualas to lift it over to the plate!
ENJOY! It was VERY good!!!

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